Extended Gambling in West Memphis


2 min read

Southland Greyhound Park once drew more than 20,000 people, but now competition with Tunica's casinos has prompted park officials to try to lure customers back with determination to expand the gambling experience.

"It's just an extension of what's already there and the new games will give new jobs," said Robert McLarty, campaign manager for Jobs in West Memphis.

"The video games they suggest to put in the Southland are the most addictive forms of gambling," said Ron Kirkland, the pastor of West Memphis First Baptist Church.

Early voting began on Monday, determined to introduce 500 to 1000 more skilled video game terminals to the Southland Greyhound Park, 80 of which are already in use.

"This election is about jobs that bring more good jobs to West Memphis," said McLarty.

"Gambling is the most addictive activity a person can do," Kirkland said.

Both sides believe the election results will have a dramatic impact on the local economy.

"Tunica has hurt the region as far as the economy is concerned and this will help create additional income and additional jobs," McLarty said.

"You can chart the growth of Crittenden County and show how the county's economic development didn't turn upward when the dog track arrived," Kirkland said.

Jobs for West Memphis believes the resolution could bring more than 400 news jobs to West Memphis, but opponents believe the negative is far greater than the positive.

"There will be people who will lose their jobs because of this vote, and there will be people whose families will be separated as a result of this vote," Kirkland said. 카지노사이트 모음

If this resolution is passed, many local churches think it could only portend more gambling in the region.

"This object is just the next step towards casino gambling in Crittenden County," Kirkland said. After voting less than a week ago, Jobs' officials in West Memphis believe that more than 1,000 people have already come out to vote on the issue. But with more than a week left to vote, the issue has not yet spread across the country.